Conversion Rates

Click into a role's analytics to see conversion rates and other metrics at each stage.

Click the Analytics icon within a job to see analytics for that job.

The conversion rate is the number of candidates converted by the total number of candidates processed.

You can see how TalentWall calculates the conversion rate for each step by hovering over the conversion rate in question:

Processed candidates can include the following:

  1. Rejected in the stage during specified date range
  2. Rejected in an advanced stage during the specified date range
  3. Hired during the specified date range
  4. Still active in an advanced stage regardless of the date range.

Drop-off rates

The Drop-off rate below the conversion rate is the number of candidates who have withdrawn or declined to finish an interview stage. This will help you know at which stages you are losing the most candidates, and therefore, you will be able to re-assess with your team on how to change the interview process and fix the "leaky" bucket.