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Conversion Rates

All your metrics related to Conversion Rates can be found here.

Go to conversion rates to see the ratio of applications per hire, or the ratio of a specific stage to Offer or Hire. We also have widgets to show the number of candidates interviewed in these stages who received an offer or hire by recruiter. Please note: User filters by Primary Recruiter or Coordinator.

Applications Per Hire: Number of candidates rejected or hired divided by number of candidates hired. Date filter is based on application date.  

{Phase} to Offer: Number of candidates interviewed (interview scheduled or scorecard submitted) in the stages assigned to the interview phase divided by number of them who received offers. Date filter is by interview date, or scorecard submitted date if no interview was scheduled.  

{Phase} to Hire: Number of candidates interviewed (interview scheduled or scorecard submitted) in the stages assigned to the interview phase divided by number of them who were hired. Date filter is by interview date, or scorecard submitted date if no interview was scheduled.

{Preceding Phase} to {Next Phase}: Calculated by comparing the number of candidates that progressed from the preceding phase to those that were processed (rejected, withdrew or advanced) in the subsequent phase. The phases are based on the mapping of the stages to the interview phases in account settings. Date range applies to candidates who were either hired, rejected, or withdrawn, in addition to any currently active candidates.

{Phase} per Offer by Recruiter: Number of candidates interviewed (interview scheduled or scorecard submitted) in the stages assigned to the interview phase divided by number of them who received offers, by recruiter. Date filter is by interview date, or scorecard submitted date if no interview was scheduled.

{Phase} per Hire by Recruiter: Number of candidates interviewed (interview scheduled or scorecard submitted) in the stages assigned to the interview phase divided by number of them who were hired, by recruiter. Date filter is by interview date, or scorecard submitted date if no interview was scheduled.

Application Conversion Rate over time: The percentage of candidates where an offer was made to those that have applied, and is aggregated to the time period based on the offer creation date, not including candidates still in progress. Use this chart to identify if the quality of application trend is improving over time after making adjustments to your process.

Offer Conversion Rate From Interviews: Conversion rate calculates the number of offers created in the time period divided by the number of closed applications where an interview took place in the same time period. Each bar represents a rolling 6 months. A smaller percentage indicates you are having to interview more candidates to extend an offer, and vice versa.