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Field Configuration

Field Configuration is a settings feature available to users with data administration access. This section allows you to select which fields get exposed as filters or groupings within the Insights app. In Insights:

  • Filters can be selected from both an individual chart or also globally across an entire dashboard. They are applied by clicking the respective filter buttons within a dashboard.
  • Groupings are available from specific charts. These charts contain a grouping dropdown allowing you to break up a stat more granularly.

Data Administration access can be set at an individual user level from Organization Settings > Users and Permissions.

Fields originating from Crosschq or an ATS/HRIS integration can be enabled as filters or groupings. When you navigate to Organization Settings > Field Configuration, you will be presented with the list of fields that can be leveraged as a filter or grouping.

  • Field Name: the name of the field
  • Type: can be either system or custom
    1. System fields are default fields provided by Crosschq. These fields may originate from Crosschq or have been standardized from multiple integrations (e.g. the field name "Candidate Recruiter" would store all recruiters assigned at the candidate level from supported ATS's).
    2. Custom fields are account-specific fields (e.g. they may be unique to a specific org and/or have been custom built from an integration).
  • Filter Category: where the field will be assigned within your filter list hierarchy. This will resemble the dropdown you see from the filter buttons in Insights.
  • Additional Permissions: if fields carry sensitive data, additional flags can be selected to further restrict user access.

    • EEOC/Diversity: when this flag is enabled, the field will only be available as a filter or grouping to users who have access to EEOC and Diversity data. This flag functions in tandem with the "Can view EEOC/Diversity" user-level setting from Users and Permissions.
    • PII: in the future, this flag can be used to hide or clear any data that's identified as PII (personally identifiable information).
  • Filter and Grouping flags - when checked, these fields will be available as filters and/or groupings from the Insights app.