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  2. Crosschq 360 Candidates

Sending a Reminder to a Reference

How to send a reminder to a references

An important part of the Crosschq process is to ensure that references quickly respond to Crosschq requests. When a reference is past due, the candidate will get an email notification prompting them to remind the reference to complete the request.

Candidates can easily send reminders at any time. After a 24-hour delay, the Send Reminder button will appear in each reference (see image below). References will get automatic reminders as well, but to ensure that your Crosschq is completed in a timely fashion we recommend candidates to send additional reminders.

The frequency of automatic reminders is set by default to every 24 hours.

To check the status of your references at any time, login to Crosschq and view the Request Status indicator on the right side of the Request Detail page.