Setting Up Web Hooks in Greenhouse

Set up web hooks in Greenhouse so that data gets synced to TalentWall instantly.

You must be a TalentWall admin and have developer permissions in Greenhouse to set up the web hooks.

In TalentWall:

  1. Go to Account settings from the blue circle in the top right.
  2. Then select the Integrations tab.
  3. Scroll down to where it says Greenhouse Web Hook Configuration.
    You'll want to copy and paste these Web hook links into Greenhouse.

deletion web hooks

"Never seen" indicates new web hooks that haven't been fired by Greenhouse yet.

In Greenhouse:

  1. Go to Dev Center > Web Hooks > Web Hooks again

    GH web hooks

2.    Under "Create a New Web Hook", select the web hook you want to add under "When."

3.    Name the web hook accordingly to know it's for TalentWall and for the intended action:
greenhouse web hook page

4.    Paste the corresponding Endpoint URL from TalentWall. The endpoint URL is the URL from the integration settings in TalentWall. There is a unique URL that should correspond with the name you selected from the "When" dropdown in Greenhouse.

5.    Copy and paste the Secret key from TalentWall. The secret key can be found from Account Settings > Integrations and is the first field under the section called Greenhouse Webhook Configuration.

6.    The Error recipient email is optional, but make sure that the web hook is not disabled:

enable web hook

6.   Click on the blue button that says "Create Web hook."

Then do this manually again for each web hook below. This is a one-time setup that should not take more than 15-20 minutes.

  • Application Updated
  • New Application
  • Candidate Stage Change
  • Candidate Updated
  • Candidate Hired
  • Candidate Rejected
  • Job Deleted
  • Job Updated
  • Job Created
  • Merged Candidate
  • Application Deleted
  • Interview Deleted
  • Candidate Deleted
  • Department Deleted
  • Job Stage Deleted
  • Offer Deleted
  • Office Deleted
  • Scorecard Deleted