Metrics relating to Time in Stage
Time in Stage metrics are located here in the Time in Stage tab:
Average Time in Stage by Stage: Average number of days a candidate spends on each of the stages, since they enter until they leave for whichever reason (progressed, got hired, was rejected or withdrew). Date range applies to candidates who entered the stage in the time period.

Please note the following which applies to all the metrics in this library:
- Time is calculated based on the Average number of days a candidate spends on each of the stages, since they enter until they leave for whichever reason (progressed, got hired, was rejected or withdrew).
- Averages are based on the total time by all candidates divided by the number of candidates.
- Each calculation is based on the stage name (not id) and a candidate passing through the stage for any time period is included, this also means a candidate will be exist, excluding any candidates that don’t exit the stage.
- Only business days are counted (start 12:00 am Monday to 11:59 pm Friday) and are consistent with the Time Zone selected on the account (defaulted to US-PT) so that all users see the same metric.
- Time logging started in November 2022. Time in Stage data is available from this time forward or when your account's integration with Greenhouse was enabled, whichever was later.