Creating a custom report in Workday - offers

Building a custom offer report in Workday will allow Crosschq to pull relevant offer-level data into the TalentWall and/or Insights applications.

Before you read further, make sure you have completed the ISU configuration steps to integrate Workday with TalentWall.

Once a Workday ISU has been created an connected to Crosschq, you can follow the instructions below to build an offer report in Workday:

  1. Login to Workday with your regular user credentials. We recommend the user that builds this report has the highest level of permissions available in order to avoid potential field limitations on the report. Please make sure at a minimum, the logged in user has access to the Job Applications data source. Note that at the end of this process, we will transfer the ownership of the custom report to the ISU assigned with the TalentWall integration.
  2. Once logged in, from the search bar, type Create custom report and select the task of the same name.
  3. A window will appear where you will input additional information for the report.
    1. Under Report Name, enter Talentwall Offers. Note: the report name must match exactly, including the letter casing.
    2. Under Report Type, select Advanced.
    3. Enable the Enable As Web Service flag.
    4. Enable the Optimized for Performance flag.
    5. Under Data Source, search for and select Job Applications. Note: if you cannot find Job Applications, you can try disabling the Optimized for Performance flag and search again.

    Click OK.
  4. Add the following columns to the report:
    Business Object Field Column Heading Override XML Alias
    Job Application Job Requisition Job_Requisition
    Job Application Workday ID workdayID_JobApplication
    Job Application Candidate Stage Candidate_Stage
    Job Application Disposition Stage Disposition_Stage
    Job Application Offer Stage Offer_Stage
    Job Application Hire Stage Hire_Stage
    Job Application Last Job Application Update Moment Last_Job_Application_Update_Moment
    Job Application Disposition Reason Disposition_Reason
    Job Application Offer Date Offer_Date
    Offer Event Initiating Worker Created_by
    Offer Event Created Moment Created_Moment
    Offer Event Target Hire Date - Proposed Target_Hire_Date___Proposed
    Offer Event Workday ID workdayID_Offer
    Generated Offer Attachments Signature Date Signature_Date
    Generated Offer Attachments Signature Status Signature_Status

    Note: the Override XML Alias is custom for both Workday ID fields (on the Job Application and Offer Event business columns) and Initiating Worker. Make sure to update these fields to the corresponding values in the table above.

    You will be prompted with an alert recommending that your web service aliases are 16 characters or fewer. Please ignore this alert and follow the exact aliases outlined in the table above.
  5. Add the following group column headings to the report:

    Business Column Group Column Heading XML Alias
    Generated Offer Attachments Generated_Offer_Attachments_group
    Offer Event Offer_Event_group
  6. Toggle to the Filter tab and enter the following "filter on instances" query to the report:

    And/Or ( *Field *Operator Comparison Type Comparison Value )
    And   Last Job Application Update Moment greater than Prompt the user for the value Prompt #1  
    And   Last Job Application Update Moment less than or equal to Prompt the user for the value Prompt #2  
    And ( Offer Stage equal to Value specified in this filter ✔️  
    Or   Hire Stage equal to Value specified in this filter ✔️ )

    The query should resemble the conditions below in Workday. Please note the parentheses inputted on the third and fourth row:

  7. Toggle to the Prompts tab and enter the following:
    *Field Prompt Qualifier Label for Prompt Label for Prompt XML Alias *Default Type Default Value
    Last Job Application Update Moment  Prompt #1 Modified From Modified_From Specify default value 01/01/2000 12:00:00 AM
    Last Job Application Update Moment Prompt #2 Modified_To Modified_To Determine default value at runtime Current Entry Date and Time

    The prompts should resemble the entries below in Workday. Please note that the XML aliases are custom. Make sure they are updated to match the corresponding values from the table above.

  8. Toggle to the Share tab. We recommend sharing this report with all authorized users; this will help debug any potential issues more easily.
  9. Once all columns, filters, prompts, and share settings have been configured, click OK. You may need to click OK a second time to acknowledge the character alerts in the columns tab.
  10. Once saved, from the search bar, type view custom report and select the report of the same name. On the next window, find the custom report you just built (should be named "Talentwall Offers").

    From this screen, click the ellipsis beside the report name, and select Custom Report > Transfer Ownership.
  11. On the next window, assign the new owner as the ISU that you configured for TalentWall in this article.

    Once the correct owner has been assigned, click OK. Make sure there are no errors once you click OK. If there are errors, then the ISU may be missing permissions for this report. We would recommend reviewing this article to make sure the correct permissions have been assigned to the ISU.
  12. Lastly, we recommend testing that the report is working. On the same View Custom Report page, click the ellipsis by the report name and select Web Service > View URLs

    On the next window, click OK (there is no need to update the modified_to/from fields.

    You will be taken to a page titled View URLs Web Service. Alongside the REST label, click Workday XML.

    You will be prompted to enter credentials to view the XML data. Afterward, the XML should be similar to the following:

    If data appears to be missing or you are prompted with any errors from Workday when initiating this test, please contact with a description of the error you are receiving.

    If the data looks similar to the above screenshot, then the report has been created successfully. Please let your Crosschq implementation lead know that the offer report was built.